Texto escrito pela aluna Sara Soczka Pires Machado do 11ºA

Genetically modified foods (GM Foods) are nowadays being tested in laboratories by many scientists. The gene editing that these foods have been undergoing has the purpose of improving the quality of our food, and inherently our health and life quality.
Many people argue that GM Foods are not safe due to their high probability of causing allergic reactions, and they are also not safe for the environment because, given that they are more resistant to herbicides and pesticides, farmers are more encouraged to use and abuse these products.
In spite of these arguments, it is undeniable that GM Foods also have a lot of benefits, such as their higher nutritional value that can bring improvements to overall world health. Not only this, but these foods can also be planted in more quantity and less land than their non-GM counterparts, thus, having the chance to mitigate the problem of food shortage that we’ve been witnessing thanks to the phenomenon of population growth.
So, although some may say that they don´t agree with the production of GM Foods because of the health and environmental risks they might have, others would rather look at the benefits and chose to consume these foods.
Teacher Alice Rosado